Advocats especialitzats en divorcis professionals

Assessorament personalitzat per afrontar el teu divorci amb tranquil·litat i seguretat jurídica.

Valoració excel·lent dels nostres clients


Advocats Especialitzats

Som un despatx dedicat a oferir solucions professionals en divorcis i dret de família a Vilafranca del Penedès.

Wooden letter tiles spell out the words 'PROBATE' and 'LAWYER' on a Scrabble board. The board features a grid with colored squares marked with different point values such as 'Double Word Score' and 'Triple Letter Score'.
Wooden letter tiles spell out the words 'PROBATE' and 'LAWYER' on a Scrabble board. The board features a grid with colored squares marked with different point values such as 'Double Word Score' and 'Triple Letter Score'.
Neon signage with the words 'Families Belong Together' is mounted on a wall, illuminated in bright colors. Shadows cast dramatic patterns on the wall, and the scene includes a silhouette of a person wearing a cap in the foreground.
Neon signage with the words 'Families Belong Together' is mounted on a wall, illuminated in bright colors. Shadows cast dramatic patterns on the wall, and the scene includes a silhouette of a person wearing a cap in the foreground.

Serveis de divorci

Assessorament professional en divorcis i dret de família a Vilafranca del Penedès.

Divorci de mutu acord

Gestionem divorcis de mutu acord amb eficàcia i seguretat jurídica per a la teva tranquil·litat.

A family portrait featuring three people, consisting of two adults and a child. The man is wearing a beige suit and a tie, while the woman is dressed in a light pink top. The child is standing in front, wearing a patterned sweater. All appear to be smiling and are posed closely together in front of a neutral background.
A family portrait featuring three people, consisting of two adults and a child. The man is wearing a beige suit and a tie, while the woman is dressed in a light pink top. The child is standing in front, wearing a patterned sweater. All appear to be smiling and are posed closely together in front of a neutral background.
Modificació de mesures

Oferim serveis de modificació de mesures com custòdia, pensions i règim de visites personalitzats.

A close-up view of a vintage typewriter displaying a piece of paper with the word 'CO-PARENTING' typed in bold letters. The typewriter has a dark green cover and is placed on a light wooden desk with a neutral background.
A close-up view of a vintage typewriter displaying a piece of paper with the word 'CO-PARENTING' typed in bold letters. The typewriter has a dark green cover and is placed on a light wooden desk with a neutral background.

El servei d'advocats va ser excel·lent. Em van ajudar a afrontar el meu divorci amb professionalitat i empatia. Totalment recomanables!

Maria López

A family poses for a photo in front of a colorful stained glass background. The family consists of two adults and three children. The adults are dressed in formal attire, with the man adjusting his glasses and the woman holding a baby. The two older children are also in suits, looking attentively at the camera.
A family poses for a photo in front of a colorful stained glass background. The family consists of two adults and three children. The adults are dressed in formal attire, with the man adjusting his glasses and the woman holding a baby. The two older children are also in suits, looking attentively at the camera.


Divorcis Penedès

Som advocats especialitzats en divorcis a Vilafranca del Penedès. Oferim assessorament professional i personalitzat per a cada cas.


Carrer Exemple, 123


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