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A family sitting together on a sandy beach, with an adult man embracing a woman and child. The woman is wearing a long, flowing light green dress, while the child is dressed in a gray outfit. The setting seems peaceful and intimate, with a warm and relaxed atmosphere.
A family sitting together on a sandy beach, with an adult man embracing a woman and child. The woman is wearing a long, flowing light green dress, while the child is dressed in a gray outfit. The setting seems peaceful and intimate, with a warm and relaxed atmosphere.


Estem ubicats a Vilafranca del Penedès, oferint serveis legals especialitzats en divorcis i dret de família a la nostra comunitat.

Telefon: 618.79.96.47


Carrer Amalia Soler, nº5, Vilafranca del Penedes


De dilluns a divendres

Professionals en Dret de Família

A Divorci Penedès oferim serveis legals especialitzats en divorcis per garantir la teva tranquil·litat i seguretat jurídica durant el procés.

A bride in a white wedding dress and a groom in a suit stand together near a metal guardrail. The word 'LOVE' is written in blue on the road with a red heart next to it. The background features greenery and a blurred hillside.
A bride in a white wedding dress and a groom in a suit stand together near a metal guardrail. The word 'LOVE' is written in blue on the road with a red heart next to it. The background features greenery and a blurred hillside.
A close-up of a small child's hand gently placed on top of an adult's hand, which is wearing a gold band. The adult is dressed in a dark suit with a white shirt, and the child's sleeve is also white. The background is softly blurred, drawing focus to the hands.
A close-up of a small child's hand gently placed on top of an adult's hand, which is wearing a gold band. The adult is dressed in a dark suit with a white shirt, and the child's sleeve is also white. The background is softly blurred, drawing focus to the hands.
A family of four sits together on a stone wall overlooking the ocean. The father and mother sit in the center, with the father holding a young boy on his knee and the mother holding a young girl. The beach setting suggests it is a sunny day, and the family appears to be enjoying a leisurely outing.
A family of four sits together on a stone wall overlooking the ocean. The father and mother sit in the center, with the father holding a young boy on his knee and the mother holding a young girl. The beach setting suggests it is a sunny day, and the family appears to be enjoying a leisurely outing.

El teu aliat legal

Som advocats especialitzats en dret de família a Vilafranca del Penedès, oferint assessorament personalitzat i professional per afrontar el teu divorci.