Mediació Familiar

Oferim mediació per resoldre conflictes familiars amb professionalitat i empatia.

Mediació Conflictes
A light pink card with the text 'What God has joined together, let no one separate. Mark 10:9' is placed on top of a white envelope. Surrounding the card are purple and white flowers with green leaves, all set against a soft white background.
A light pink card with the text 'What God has joined together, let no one separate. Mark 10:9' is placed on top of a white envelope. Surrounding the card are purple and white flowers with green leaves, all set against a soft white background.

Resolem conflictes familiars amb mediació per evitar litigis i buscar solucions pacífiques.

A cheerful family portrait featuring a bearded man with long hair smiling widely, a woman with straight long hair making a playful expression, and a baby with a curious look. They are all dressed in casual attire with light-colored backgrounds suggesting an indoor setting.
A cheerful family portrait featuring a bearded man with long hair smiling widely, a woman with straight long hair making a playful expression, and a baby with a curious look. They are all dressed in casual attire with light-colored backgrounds suggesting an indoor setting.
A joyful family portrait featuring three people sitting together. They are surrounded by floral arrangements. The background includes a warm red wall with two art pieces and a lit lamp, creating a cozy atmosphere.
A joyful family portrait featuring three people sitting together. They are surrounded by floral arrangements. The background includes a warm red wall with two art pieces and a lit lamp, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Mediació Personalitzada

La mediació personalitzada ajuda a gestionar emocions i arribar a acords beneficiosos.

Facilitem la comunicació entre les parts per aconseguir un acord satisfactori.

Comunicació Efectiva

Professionals en Dret de Família

A [nom del despatx], oferim serveis de mediació familiar per facilitar el procés de divorci amb seguretat i tranquil·litat. La nostra experiència és la teva garantia.

A family standing outdoors in a desert-like setting with a rocky backdrop. The woman is wearing a white dress and holding ultrasound images, while the man in a white shirt and ripped jeans is holding a child by the arms, playfully suspending them in front.
A family standing outdoors in a desert-like setting with a rocky backdrop. The woman is wearing a white dress and holding ultrasound images, while the man in a white shirt and ripped jeans is holding a child by the arms, playfully suspending them in front.



Clients satisfets


Opinions Clients

Llegir les experiències dels nostres clients satisfets amb la mediació.

El servei de mediació va ser excel·lent, em van ajudar moltíssim.

Jordi Martínez
A family portrait featuring two adults and two children standing in front of large, bright windows. The father holds a toddler, while the mother holds a baby. They are all dressed in cozy, neutral-toned sweaters and jeans.
A family portrait featuring two adults and two children standing in front of large, bright windows. The father holds a toddler, while the mother holds a baby. They are all dressed in cozy, neutral-toned sweaters and jeans.

Vilafranca Penedès

La mediació va ser clau per resoldre el meu divorci de manera pacífica.

A family of four is seated on a couch in a living room. The father holds a young boy in his lap, while the mother holds an infant girl. The room features a fireplace with a decorative clock on the mantel, a mid-century style lamp, a side table with a radio, and shelves with various figurines and decorations. The family appears happy and well-dressed, with the father and son in button-up shirts and slacks, and the mother wearing glasses, a blouse, and a skirt.
A family of four is seated on a couch in a living room. The father holds a young boy in his lap, while the mother holds an infant girl. The room features a fireplace with a decorative clock on the mantel, a mid-century style lamp, a side table with a radio, and shelves with various figurines and decorations. The family appears happy and well-dressed, with the father and son in button-up shirts and slacks, and the mother wearing glasses, a blouse, and a skirt.
Anna López

Vilafranca P
